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Special Features

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Waypoint missions

Plan your missions anywhere, and it will sync automatically.

Unlock the full potential of your drone

Control your drone, and every single feature (ex: max height, speed)

Active Track

Your drone will follow you in a click of a button.
Waypoint Missions
Plan your missions anywhere, and it will sync automatically across all devices.
Feature 3
Unlock the full potential of your drone
Control your drone, and every single feature (ex: max height, speed...)
Feature 2
Active Tracking
Your drone will follow you in a click of a button
Feature 1
Phoenix For Tello
Phone Application
Your Phoenix
Flies Tello
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aspernatur distinctio quis ullam? Iure, commodi. Enim quam consequuntur repellendus eveniet nam excepturi dolorem sapiente. Similique harum libero tempore atque maiores modi!